Shining Force Series
The Shining Force series is a fantasy based strategy/RPG series by Sega and Climax. Playing Shining Force is kind of like playing chess. You move around your army on a battlefield to defeat an enemy army. When a character encounters an enemy, you view the action in a gorgeous fully animated sequence. Shining Force is very loyal to the RPG genre; characters gain experience & levels, equip weapons/accessories, learn new spells, etc. The stories of the games aren't in-depth and there isn't a lot of dialogue, but that's because the focus are the battles. The art style is fun and cartoony. The variety of characters is loyal to the fantasy genre: you have warriors, centaurs, wizards, healers, birdmen, and more! All these elements provide for a great deal of replay value.
The Shining Force series is incredibly popular. I would say Shining Force may not be as popular as Final Fantasy, but the Shining Force audience has a higher ratio of devoted fans. Like the saying, "Once you go black you never come back" - "Once you play Shining Force you never come back!" Heheh. That tends to be because every Shining Force title is fantastic. Each one plays the same and has a whole new set of characters for you.

Release Date:
March 20, 1992
March 19, 1992
July 5, 1993
Sega Genesis
Shining Force:
The Legacy of Great Intention
The original, great Shining Force on the Genesis! This one is my favorite overall. Join our hero as he is sent on a mission to prevent the evil Darksol, who commands the hordes of Runefaust, from opening the Shining Path and resurrecting Dark Dragon.
*This is a dual shrine with Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (GBA)

Release Date:
October 1, 1993
October 19, 1994
July 2, 1994
Sega Genesis
Shining Force 2
Shining Force 2 is pretty much the same game as part 1. The graphics are crisper and there's more of a variety of characters. Summoners, female monks, tanks, golems, and a phoenix join the ranks. As for the story, the evil demon Zeon has awakened! Join our hero as he battles against Zeon's mighty armies. Find the Holy Sword and two jewels of light and darkness to seal away Zeon forever. Fans tend to enjoy Shining Force 2 better than its predecessor.

Release Date:
June 25, 1993
Game Gear
Shining Force:
The Sword of Hajya
Sega fans yearned for a portable Shining Force that they could play on the go. Enter Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya! This game has everything we love about Shining Force. Young warriors are defending the castle while Prince Nick and the main army are away. Enemies attack and the precious Sword of Hajya is stolen! Our heroes pursue the thieves, and that's when the adventure begins.

Release Date:
June 30, 1995
August 2005 (fan translated)
Game Gear
Shining Force:
Final Conflict
Final Conflict is such a treasure of fan service for any devote Shining Force fan! Its English translation was well worth the wait. What's great about it is that the story takes places between Shining Force 1 and 2. Throughout the game there are many familiar references, places, and characters. Literally! You fight familiar bosses, you fight on familiar battle grounds, characters from both games join you, you fight enemies from both games, and more!

Release Date:
August 5, 2004
June 8, 2004
April 30, 2004
Game Boy Advance
Shining Force:
Resurrection of the Dark Dragon
Due to the intense popularity of the original Shining Force, we were blessed to have a remake of it for Game Boy Advance. Everything was completely redone. The characters, sprites and all game art were redrawn. There are new characters, new features, new battles, an expanded story, new soundtrack, and more. However as a Game Boy Advance game, this was targeted for kids so the challenge is a bit low; you'd beat the game in no time.
*This is a dual shrine with Shining Force 1 (Genesis)