Anime RPGs
To begin with, this isn't a series. I categorized these games because this is an anime site so I felt it was fitting to put them in the spotlight. Each of these games are based on anime that has had wild success in North America. None of them were officially released in English. They're available in English via SNES emulation only, thanks to the efforts of devote fans. In terms of fan service, these games are very loyal to the anime they're based on. All the characteres that fans have grown to love are present. You can play as your favorite characters, weild their weapons, and execute familiar attack moves. With the exception of Tenchi Muyo, all these games attempt to follow the story of the show.
Believe it or not, these games are almost as popular as Final Fantasy. Nearly every anime fan who frequents the Internet has at least heard of these games. Even though they may not be the best RPGs around, the fact that they're based on popular anime still makes them popular. These games are so popular that some people explore SNES emulation just to play one or more of these games.

Release Date:
September 22, 1995
1999 (fan translated)
Super Nintendo
Sailor Moon RPG
The famous RPG for one of the most famous anime in existence! It's commonly known as “Sailor Moon RPG”, but its proper name is “Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Another Story”. The story touches on almost every major arc in the anime. You'll encounter such enemies as Queen Beryl, Professor Tomoe, the Amazoness Quartet, and more! To make things more interesting, they even created a new set of arch enemies that challenge the scouts throughout the game. It's a very traditional RPG with the usual random battles and turn based battle system. As you progress deep into the game, characters learn cool combo attacks (a la Chrono Trigger).

Release Date:
October 27, 1995
2000 (fan translated)
Super Nintendo
Tenchi Muyo RPG
What makes Tenchi Muyo RPG so unique is the battle system. Like Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre, you (strategically) move large characters around a battlefield to attack an enemy army. All the core characters from the anime join your quest. There are even a few unexpected characters that join you such as Azaka, Kimidake, and Youkinojou (the computer in Mihoshi's ship). You can choose up to 4 characters to bring into battle. The game presents you with the character selection screen before every battle to encourage you to change things up. Some characters are dedicated fighters while others have healing abilities. In addition, moves vary between close range and long range. The story offers a whole new adventure with new characters. A rivaling scientist seeks revenge with Washu. Stop her and her evil deeds!

Release Date:
1999 (fan translated)
Super Nintendo
Magic Knight Rayearth
Help Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu become the Magic Knights and defeat the evil that threatens the magical land of Cephiro! Play through the same events that took place in the anime. Meet Master Mage Clef and Ferio. Have Presea make your weapons. Challenge Ascot, Caldina, Lafarga, and Lord Zagato. Mokona is always by your side to help you. Seek out the Mashins and gain their power - even summon them in battle! The game is very much a traditional RPG. It's very easy; your characters gain a level almost every battle.