
Chapter 5 After the Battle
At Apsu's lair, Sin and Anshar are having a discussion. Anshar has noticed that the rose crystal has been stolen, but at least they have one of the rainbow crystals. He wonders if fate will change. Sin exclaims that they should change more destinies. She decides to borrow Anshar's pet, Kishal.
Sin asks Apsu to change the fate of the young man called Shingo Tsukino. He is the little brother of Usagi Tsukino. She is Sailor Moon, the one who has been opposing them. Apsu tells Sin that Shingo is too close to the mystic Silver Crystal. Its power is weakening. But as of yet, the power of the Silver Crystal is great. Until Apsu can throw the fates into instability with her power. She tells Sin to lead Shingo's destiny to Destruction! Apsu starts falling ill again.
Sin notices Apsu not having much longer either. She must get the Silver Crystal back to Apsu.
Usagi's House
Upon arriving home Shingo notices the strange creature, Kishal. He decides to take Kishal in, and give it something to eat.
Mamoru's home
Now well again, Mamoru apologizes to Usagi for making her worry so much. Usagi flusters, but Mamoru consoles her. Rei tells Usagi that Mamoru has completely recovered. Makoto finds it strange. Usagi asks why, and Makoto answers that the enemy was targeting the mystic Ginzuishou that Usagi and Chibi-usa own. Why did they prevent Mamoru-san, who is Tuxedo Kamen, from returning to his senses? Mamoru says it's because by beating him, they could change history indirectly. Michiru wonders what he could mean. Mamoru explains.
In Mamoru's dream, he was speaking about what Kunzite and the others told him. There will be a creature born of the power of Mercury, drawing close to the earth of the future. That very being has the power to change fate. But they will not be able to directly change their fate. And they cannot directly change the destiny of the one who holds the Mystic Silver Crystal, or anyone around it. Usagi understands and asks if it didn't have any effect on her family and all her friends. Hotaru states that because the Mystic Silver Crystal and her fate were apart for so long, they were able to change her destiny forever. Ami says it happened to them too, by going to other worlds and in the past, they were separated way too long. Even though it can't change their destinies directly, it can change that of those around them. Usagi wonders if it happened in her home too. Michiru says it's a possibility. Haruka wonders if there's a chance that as a result, their fates were altered too.
Usagi decides to go home, and see if her family is alright. Hotaru asks if she could come along, and Usagi agrees. Usagi invites Setsuna to come along with her as well. Setsuna agrees. Since everyone is worried about their surroundings, they should go back to their homes for a bit. Rei tells Usagi that if something happens, they'll meet at the Hikawa Shrine. Haruka agrees. She's worried too, so for the time being she'll go back. Michiru will do so too. Makoto tells Usagi that if something happens, they'll come running right away. With that said, the others leave.
Usagi tells Mamoru that he should sleep peacefully. Mamoru tells her that he's all right now. If something happens, he'll get back to her immediately. He tells Usagi to take care.
Go down and exit Mamoru's room. Go right and enter the elevator to reach the first floor. Go down and exit the apartment.
Go down, left, and stand next to the Bus Stop. Say Yes that you want to go to Infinity Academy.
Infinity Academy
When you arrive, stand next to the Bus Stop again. This time, the bus will ask if you want to go to Harumi. Say Yes.
When you arrive, go up to enter the next screen.
Go right, up, keep going right until you come to a big building that won't let you move any further. Go down and go right when you see 2 boxes. You will see a big box that says “H-20” on it. Press X (A) from behind the H-20 box and you will find the Collective Item Studio Jumper!
Now go down and you will see pipes with two treasure chests in front of them. Examine them both to get the Collective Item Studio Cap and a Nakayoshi.
Go left and you will find another treasure chest that contains a Nigiri Set. Keep going left and you will find another treasure chest that contains a Life Crepe.
After collecting all the treasures here, you can leave. Keep going left, then go up, and left to exit the screen. Stand next to the Bus Stop and say Yes that you want to go to Maison Apartments.
Mamoru's home
Stand next to the bus stop again and say Yes that you want to go to Infinity Academy.
Infinity Academy
Now that we have all the Collective Items, go back to that collector's store. If you don't remember where it is, I'll tell you. As soon as you arrive at Infinity Academy, go up, left, and up.
Talk to the man, and he is willing to pay you huge amounts of cash if you sell the Collective Items to him. Do this if you're low on Yen, or just want to be as rich as Bill Gates. When you're done in here, exit the store.
Go back to the Bus Stop and stand next to it. Say Yes that you want to go to Harumi.
Stand next to the Bus Stop again and say Yes that you want to go to Maison Apartments.
Mamoru's home
Go left until you enter the next screen.
The town of Juuban
Keep going left until you enter the next screen. Go to Usagi's house.
Usagi's House
Usagi is glad that nothing bad has happened to her home.
Open the menu screen and go to Formation. Make sure Pluto is at the back, while Saturn is at the front. Sailor Moon should be in the middle. Now equip Pluto with the following accessories: G.Earring, GarnetPin, and a Tiara. When you're done, exit the menu.
Go right, up the stairs. Go up, left, and enter Shingo's room.
Shingo is annoyed that Usagi just entered his room. Upon seeing Kishal, Chibi-usa faints. Usagi asks what's wrong and Chibi-usa weakly says the strength in her body has been sucked out. Somehow she doesn't have any strength. Hotaru asks what that animal could be. Usagi demands Shingo let go of that animal. Suddenly, Sin's voice is heard as she says that Shingo is theirs now! If Sailor Moon wants him back, then she should hand over the Mystic Silver Crystal. Usagi demands her brother back. Sin won't give Shingo back until hands over the Crystal. Hotaru asks if Sin has a brother named Anshar. Little brothers are important for both Sin and Usagi.
Setsuna asks why Sin is so intent on getting the Mystic Silver Crystal. Sin answers that the Silver Crystal destroys the destiny they wish for. Setsuna asks what on earth is the future they desire to the point of changing destinies. Sin answers. The world they dream of would have no battles caused by the Mystic Silver Crystal. A world where the people of the Moon King wouldn't be there. Hotaru wonders what Sin's talking about. Isn't the Mystic Silver Crystal going to save the Earth? Sin asks if the Black Moon's tribe rejected the purification caused by the Mystic Silver Crystal. Wasn't even the Dark Kingdom searching for the Crystal?
Usagi wonders but Sin directly tells her that if the Crystal isn't handed over, they will keep Shingo hostage. With that said, Shingo disappears! Luna tells Usagi that Chibi-usa is also in danger. Kishal must be beaten!

Boss: Kishal
I think it is conspicuous why Kishal is so easy. The reason for this is because, during Sailor Moon's absence, every other character has been gaining levels but her. So I think this match was intended for compensation. Anyway, Kishal is a joke. Beat him any way you like. You can try out Pluto's Time Stop, which immobilizes an enemy for 2 whole turns. Then use Saturn's Revolution and Sailor Moon's Spiral Heart Attack. You'll win this one easily.
Rewards after winning: 20,000 EXPs, 5000 Yen
Usagi is worried about Shingo. Usagi's mom abruptly calls her, notifying her that Haruka and Michiru are here. The two enter Usagi's room and Michiru asks if they have learned anything more. Hotaru answers that Usagi's little brother, Shingo, was taken by the enemy. Haruka says she wasn't a member of the race team for some reason. Michiru says that the violin she always used disappeared. On top of that, even if she dismisses the violin, the thing is... they gave away her part in the musical!
Luna is worried about everyone. She suggests that they should all gather at the Hikawa Shrine. Usagi apologizes. She says she can't fight even if she meets the enemy. Setsuna comments that Usagi and Small Lady aren't fit to fight. Usagi apologizes again and says she'll carry the unconscious Chibi- usa on her back.
Exit Shingo's room, go right, and down the stairs. Exit Usagi's house. Go down, right, and keep going until you enter the next screen.
The town of Juuban
Note: This is the very LAST time you'll be in Juuban. So if you go to the Hikawa Shrine now, you won't be coming back here until the end of the game. Do whatever things you want to do in town, like shopping around and stocking up on items. When you are ready, head to the Hikawa Shrine.
Hikawa Shrine
Go to the room where all of the Senshi and Mamoru are waiting for you.
Luna tells everyone to gather around. Venus asks if it's true that Shingo has been kidnapped and Usagi answers yes. Jupiter says that the enemies are inviting them to the world of the future. The Sailor Senshi don't know if it's a trap or not. Usagi says Shingo was kidnapped by the enemy. Even if it is a trap, she must go. Mercury tells her that it's too dangerous to go, without knowing the true nature of their enemy. Mamoru agrees but says they cannot stay here and hesitate.
Usagi's mind is made up and she wants to go to the Future to save Shingo. Pluto will guide everyone to the door of time and space. Usagi and Chibi-usa transform into Sailor Senshi and Pluto uses her power to teleport everyone to the Time Space Door.
Time-Space Door Entrance
Upon arrival, the Senshi meet up with Fiore in the front entrance! Fiore greets Mamoru and says it's been a while. Fiore is grateful to Apsu. Tuxedo Kamen asks why he is presenting himself in front of him again. Fiore says the one named Apsu told Mamoru. He is choosing an unhappy fate. Kamen tells Fiore that he's wrong and Sailor Moon states that Fiore is being deceived. Fiore doesn't know that for sure. But Apsu is someone with enough power to resurrect him. Surely Fiore's future and that of Mamoru's... Tuxedo Kamen tells Sailor Moon to go ahead without him! Sailor Moon asks why. Fiore exclaims that he'll be turning this place into a flower garden.
Tuxedo Kamen says the Senshi would hate any delay in going to the future. Therefore, first, the Senshi should go to the future by themselves. Kamen will follow them after defeating Fiore. Mercury agrees and Mars tells Sailor Moon that they should go. But Sailor Moon refuses to go. She wants to remain here with Tuxedo Kamen. Fiore tries to stop the Senshi from leaving, but Kamen intercepts him. It seems that they have to fight one another after all. Having no choice, Sailor Moon agrees to leave. She tells Kamen to stay alive.
Crystal Tokyo
Having arrived in the future, the Senshi find something strange about the Crystal Palace. Sailor Moon sees that it seems to be wavering like an illusion. Uranus prompts that destiny is starting to change! Mercury figures it's because one of the Rainbow Crystal shards and Shingo fell into Apsu's hands in the past.
Sailor Moon soon notices Shingo, as a hologram! She demands Shingo's return right away. The Oppositios appear and Nabu proclaims that the Sailor Senshi should come to the Dark Castle if they want him back. Her cute brother is there. Marduk says Apsu has very little patience. It may be already too late for the Crystal Palace. Uranus comments on how unfair that is. If the Oppositios are Senshi, then they should fight fairly. Nabu tells the Senshi part of the Oppositios' strategy.
Nabu is the type who esteems efficiency. Marduk gives the Senshi two choices - sacrifice Shingo Tsukino to save the Queen OR sacrifice the Queen to save Shingo Tsukino. Mmm... a dilemma. Isthar tells the Senshi to choose whatever they prefer. Which poor little thing will be abandoned? Nergal tells the Inner Senshi that if they want to settle things with the Oppositios, they should go to the Dark Castle. They will be eagerly awaiting the Inner Senshi. The Oppositios disappear.
The scene is focused on the Inner Senshi now. Mercury is confused as she asks how they are in distorted space. Mars wonders where everyone else went. Jupiter states that for some reason, they are all alone. Venus figures that it's the Oppositios. The Oppositios appear and Nabu remarks that the Inner Senshi have understood well. Nergal tells the Senshi that even if they seek help, no one will come to help them. They've been abandoned!
Mercury figures that the Oppositios are using an illusion to delude her. Marduk asks how it is. Perhaps they didn't wish for the fate that left the Senshi in the middle of a battle in this way. Ishtar suggests that the Inner Senshi should stop fighting against the Oppositios. Because they'll prepare for the Inner Senshi a splendid fate!
Mercury's dream scene ensues. Ami's mom and dad have arrived at the hospital to greet her. Ami asks what's the matter today since it's so rare that they are together. Ami's dad invites Ami to eat with them today. But today is the anniversary of Ami's wedding with that man. Ami suggests that they should all go eat together. The scene ends
Mars' dream scene ensues. Rei and Mamoru are having a conversation with one another. Mamoru asks Rei if it's ok since Usagi has been looking for her today. Rei says Usagi is ok and asks where they should go today on their date. The scene ends.
Jupiter's dream scene ensues. Her dream scene is similar to Rei's, except it's with Sempai, so I won't explain this one. The scene will end after you're finished watching it.
And finally, Venus' dream scene ensues. Minako gives a different Sempai her love letter and runs off. At the Game Center, Minako tells Hikaru that she's given Sempai the love letter today. Hikaru asks if she got an answer, but Minako forgot to ask him to give her one. The dream scene ends.
Ishtar asks how the illusions were. The Inner Senshi should stop fighting. Nabu says it would be of no interest to them from then on to continue the battle. What do the Inner Senshi intend to do? Nergal asks if they are willing to destroy their fate for the sake of Sailor Moon. Marduk says perhaps the Inner Senshi didn't become the Senshi they wanted to be. Nabu tells them to go get back to their normal forms. If they do so, the destiny they wish for is waiting for them.
Venus says the illusions they were shown are certainly the everyday life they wish for. Jupiter says they have already made up their minds. They will fight alongside Sailor Moon. Mars answers if Sailor Moon wasn't there, they would probably have been very lonely. Mercury states that everyone is here. For the sake of their friends, for the sake of Sailor Moon, they WILL fight! Nergal asks for how long will they keep saying this type of thing. Marduk comments on how idiotic it is that the Inner Senshi have rejected a great chance. Ishtar demands them to surrender. Nabu looks forward to seeing them again in the Dark Castle. The Oppositios disappear.
Sailor Moon asks the Inner Senshi what just happened. She was surprised to see them collapse all of a sudden. Venus says the enemies attacked them. Mercury says they were left wide open. Jupiter assures Sailor Moon that there's no need to worry since that type of attack won't work on them. Mars agrees. Sailor Moon is still dismayed that both Shingo and the Queen have been captured. What a despicable trick to use! She can't abandon either, so she must help them both.
Uranus suggests that they rescue the Queen first. The enemy doesn't want to face the Queen. On top of that, if it's in the Crystal Palace, the enemy probably won't be able to place traps. They also have to know what the enemies know. Perhaps the Senshi will also find their weakness. Saturn disagrees with Uranus' idea, since Shingo's life is in danger. After they rescue Shingo, it won't be too late to rescue the Queen too. Neptune states that they not only they don't know if something happens to the Queen during that time, the enemy might just be hoping for time to attack the Crystal Palace. Jupiter is frustrated by the enemies' dirty little tricks.
Mercury suggests that they split up for the moment and Venus says it's the only thing left to do. Then the Senshi will decide which way they'll go. Sailor Moon decides to rescue Shingo. Plus, if she doesn't go, her future self will be sorry. ChibiMoon wants to go where her mom is. Sailor Moon asks everyone what they'll do. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus all want to settle a score with the Oppositios. Uranus doesn't care whose side she's on if they have to split. But she must choose one side. Neptune can't forgive either side. Pluto wants to go with ChibiMoon and so does Saturn.
The group menu opens. You're supposed to bring along all the Inner Senshi, but it's purely optional. I choose the Inner Senshi all the time, so I recommend you select them too. The remainder characters (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune) should go with ChibiMoon, while the Inner Senshi go with Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon tells the other group to say hello to the Queen for her. She tells ChibiMoon to be careful and not to blunder. ChibiMoon says likewise. The Inner Senshi take off and ChibiMoon exclaims that they won't lose. Luna and Artemis wonder what they will do. Luna decides to follow ChibiMoon, leaving Artemis to follow Sailor Moon. Luna says when their respective goal is attained, they should wait for each other at the Gates of Time. Artemis agrees.
The scene switches to Apsu. She senses that the Sailor Senshi are coming. But first, Apsu must change her fate. If she doesn't, her life will be gone by morning. But if she can change her fate, she can become the successor of the Mystic Silver Crystal. The power of the Crystal and the power to change fate. Holding those two powers, Apsu could become an eternal queen! Sin approaches Apsu and tells her that the Senshi are splitting into two factions. Apsu doesn't care, as long as the Sailor Senshi don't intrude upon her ceremony. She just needs Sin to buy her some more time. Sin understands. The ceremony will be conducted at the Tower of Time. Sin tells Apsu that Fiore is fighting with Tuxedo Kamen on the middle floor at the moment. Apsu asks Sin to tell Anshar to leave open a direct path to the Tower of Time. The world Sin desires is coming very soon...a world where she and Anshar can live together in peace. Sin gives her thanks to Apsu. Apsu starts falling ill again and asks Sin to quickly bring the Crystal. Sin teleports off.
Dark Castle
You'll see a Luna-P on your left, so save now. Now go up and before entering the castle, Sailor Moon tells Shingo to stay safe.
Go up, left, up and you will see a traveling merchant who will sell you some VERY useful items. I extremely recommend that you buy a lot of items from him, as the upcoming battles you'll be facing are going to be tough. Stock up on some Cologne, BathMedic, Bentou Sets, and Manicures.
When you are done shopping, open the menu screen. Go to Formations and make sure Venus and Jupiter are at the front, while Mercury and Mars are at the back. Sailor Moon should be in the middle. Cluster Formation. Go to accessories and unequip Venus' RedPupil. In place of that, give Venus a Tiara. Equip Sailor Moon with the Red Pupil by unequipping the Anklet. Also, if you didn't equip the Rainbow Ribbon on anyone else, equip it on Sailor Mercury. Exit the menu when you're done.
Note: The random battles here give you HUGE amounts of EXPs. This is arguably the best place to level up. I extremely recommend that you get your characters up to level 46 or higher. Trust me, you're going to need all the power you can get to beat the tougher battles that is soon to come.
When you are done training, go to the center of the castle and step on the platform to be transported to the next area.
Go down, down the stairs. Go down, right, up, and approach the stairs.
The scene switches over to Sin and Shingo (who is unconscious). He regains consciousness and asks who Sin is. Sin introduces herself. If he keeps quiet, she won't do anything to him. Shingo won't obey the bad guys and Sin laughs a little. She apologizes for laughing. She has a little brother too. Sin asks if Shingo likes his sister, Usagi. Shingo gets a little confused. Sin says her little brother is cute. She would do anything for the sake of her brother. Shingo says Usagi isn't like that. She always steals his food and uses his games. Sin sweatdrops, asking if she does those awful things. But Usagi was there when Shingo was sick. Even when he's disobedient, Usagi worries about him. Sin finds that strange, thinking Usagi is a bad sister. She asks if Shingo likes her. Shingo stands up for Usagi and tells Sin not to speak badly of her!
Suddenly, Nergal appears and reports to Sin that the Sailor Senshi are coming! Sin is going to pursue them right away. But first, she puts Shingo back to sleep. Sin decides to strike Sailor Moon with an illusion.
When you're in control of Sailor Moon, go up the stairs.
Sailor Moon notices that space seems to be getting all distorted. Now alone in an empty space, Sailor Moon wonders how her friends vanished. Sin tells Sailor Moon that she has been abandoned by her friends. Sailor Moon doubts that, as she believes in all of them. Besides, that distorted world is a creation of Sin's. Sin creates an illusion for Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon's dream scene ensues. Mamoru comes home from work, and Usagi greets him. He asks where his cute lady is, and Usagi says Chibi-usa has been playing with Momo today. She came back from playing in Dreamland all exhausted and is now taking a nap. Mamoru sees his daughter as Chibi-usa sleeps peacefully. The dream scene soon ends.
Sin asks how Sailor Moon's illusion was. If she hands over the Mystic Silver Crystal, Sin will grant her the fate she just saw. Sailor Moon refuses, as she says that it is wrong. Because everyone doesn't want to change their fate. The people of the Black Moon, for example, were saddened to have their fate changed. Sin understands. At any rate, Sailor Moon doesn't intend to hand over the Crystal. In that case, Sin has no choice. She thought she could settle this by talking together. She invites Sailor Moon to come to the back room so they can fight!
Artemis awakens Sailor Moon, and you'll be in control of her again. Just go up to the next screen. Go up further, and the Oppositios will appear.
Nergal greets Mars, Nabu greets Mercury, Marduk greets Jupiter, and the idiot Ishtar greets Venus. Sin appears and Sailor Moon demands her little brother back. Sin comments on Sailor Moon being strong as always. Jupiter wonders if it's a gathering of all the Oppositio Senshi. Nergal asks how the illusions were, and bets that the Inner Senshi enjoyed it. Ishtar says even though the Inner Senshi were shown the life they wish for, the Oppositio's patience has limits. Venus exclaims that the fates were disgusting. The Senshi are not weak like the Oppositios are!
Nabu is somewhat surprised that they are not weak after seeing themselves in the illusions. Mercury states that the Oppositios have violated a taboo by changing destinies the way they wanted. Jupiter says it's not too late to change though, as the Oppositios could turn those destinies back to normal. Marduk says they happen to like those destinies. Sailor Moon exclaims for the Oppositio Senshi to surrender. “Or in the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!“ Time to settle the score with the Oppositios. Let the showdown begin!

Boss: Nergal & Marduk
This battle is very difficult. Nergal and Marduk have very powerful attacks. Marduk knows Hell Lightning (which does heavy damage), and also Fascination (which causes confusion). Nergal knows Fascination, H-Lame Heart (which is very powerful), and Dark Fire (which also does great damage).
On the first turn, have Mercury and Mars use a Manicure on Sailor Moon and Venus. Have Venus, Moon, and Jupiter defend. On the second turn, use Venus' LoveMe Chain, physical attack with Jupiter, and use MoonCup1 on Sailor Moon. Have Mercury use a Manicure on Jupiter and Mars defend. Then on the next turn and the turns afterward, keep using Venus LoveMe Chain, Rainbow Moon Heart Ache, Sparkling Wide Pressure, and defend Mercury and Mars because they should be your healers. Concentrate all your attacks on Nergal first because she is the greater threat. Heal if your HP is below 300 and use Cologne if you run out of EP. If some of your characters are below 300 HP, defend them until a Bentou Set has recovered them. Use a life recovery item if one of your characters gets knocked out. Concentrate, and you CAN win this!
If you are still having trouble with this fight, have Sailor Moon be the main attacker. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars should defend. Use Mercury to heal, restore EP, etc. A Red Pupil-boosted Super Sailor Moon after a Manicure does MASSIVE damage!
Rewards after winning: 65,500 EXPs, 75,000 Yen, Fragrance, MoonShard
Without giving you the chance to recover, Nabu and Ishtar will attack you next!

Boss: Nabu & Ishtar
Nabu knows Hell Freezing (which does big damage), Fascination, and also Dark Water (likewise). Ishtar knows Fascination, Hell Shower, and Dark Bute (which cuts a character's HP by half!). This battle is just as hard as the one you previously fought.
Apply the same strategy you used against Nergal and Marduk. Concentrate all your attacks on Ishtar first because she is the most annoying, but also the easiest to defeat. Remember to heal if your HP reaches below 300. Once Ishtar is defeated, concentrate on Nabu. Remember to use Cologne if one of your characters runs out of EP. Good luck!
Once again, if you are struggling, Sailor Moon should be your main attacker. Your other characters should defend and Mercury is the healer as needed.
Rewards after winning: 66,485 EXPs, 39,000 Yen, Moon Drop, Fragrance
And finally, you face off against Sin.

Boss: Sin
Ah, this is so much easier than the last two battles we had. Watch out for Sin's Barrier, though, as it petrifies a character. Her Evil Surge and Hell Attack are also powerful.
On the first turn, have Mercury use a Fragrance on all your characters. Have Venus, Moon, Jupiter, and Mars defend. On the next turn, use LoveMe Chain, use MoonCup1 on Sailor Moon, Sparkling Wide Pressure, and defend with Mars and Mercury. If your HP falls below 300, be sure to heal. Defend your character if they are below 300 HP until they get healed by a Bentou Set. Use Cologne if you run out of EP. Then on the third turn, use Rainbow Moon Heart Ache, LoveMe Chain, Sparkling Wide Pressure, and defend Mercury and Mars. Rinse, lather, and repeat. If one of your characters turns into stone, immediately use a BathMedic or a Pork Chop to get rid of the ailment. Should be over soon, so good luck!
Rewards after winning: 45,432 EXPs, 35,000 Yen, Manicure
Nergal exclaims the Oppositios haven't lost just yet! But Nabu stops Nergal, telling her that their capacities are too different from those of the Sailor Senshi. Ishtar is mad that they can't win against the Inner Senshi after all. Marduk refuses to believe that their strength is lower than that of the Inner Senshi. Sin is at a complete loss of words, but Marduk reminds her why they came here. Does she want it all to be in vain?
Artemis quickly tells Sailor Moon that now is her chance. They just might be able to turn the Oppositio Senshi back to normal human beings. Sailor Moon understands and uses the power of her Silver Crystal to change them back.
Four of the Oppositios have been affected by Sailor Moon's power. Nergal now remembers how she got her power from Apsu. She apologizes for what she did up to now. Mars accepts the apology and says everything is over for her now. Nergal gives her thanks to Sailor Mars. They vow not to be seduced into having their fates manipulated. Mercury says the next time they meet they'll be friends. Nabu agrees, and says they'll have a chess match then! Ishtar exclaims that she's Venus' buddy, which causes everyone to sweatdrop. Venus oddly says yeah, and remarks that Ishtar sure is a strange girl (no kidding). Marduk has caused Jupiter a lot of trouble, but Jupiter has put it out of her mind. If it becomes dangerous for them again, they should run! Nergal gives her thanks to the Sailor Senshi again, and the four former Oppositios leave.
Mars says a normal life is awaiting those girls. Sailor Moon notices Sin still standing. Sin teleports off, defeated. Sailor Moon wonders why her power didn't work on her. Artemis says that it's like her thoughts for Shingo, Sin's thoughts towards her brother Anshar are as strong as anyone else. That is why the Silver Crystal didn't work. Sailor Moon worries for Sin.
Soon she notices Shingo. Sailor Moon tries to wake him up, but Mars tells her that he's sleeping. Sailor Moon comments on how cute he is when asleep. But when he's awake, he's so snobbish. Mercury tells Sailor Moon not to say things like that. Venus agrees and says that she's always wanted a brother like Shingo. Sailor Moon apologizes. She's always so selfish because Shingo is her real brother. She gives her thanks to the Inner Senshi. Jupiter remarks that Shingo is like a brother to them all, and Mars agrees. Sailor Moon tells her sleeping brother how lucky he is, to have all these pretty girls around him.
Artemis suggests that they should return Shingo home. Sailor Moon agrees and states that they have to defeat Apsu soon. She hopes ChibiMoon is okay.
Good job on making it this far by the way!
Crystal Tokyo
ChibiMoon says it's been a while since they've seen the Queen. She wonders if her mom is well.
If you try going up, Anshar will stop you. He wishes not to fight with ChibiMoon, so we cannot enter the Crystal Palace just yet...
Open your menu screen and go to Formations. Make sure Uranus and Neptune are at the front, while ChibiMoon and Pluto are at the back. Saturn stays in the middle, Cluster Formation. When you're done, exit the menu.
Note: The random battles here give you huge amount of EXPs. I extremely recommend that you gain some levels here. Get up to at least level 45 or higher, and you'll do fine.
If you need to stock up on some supplies, from where you started, go south, past the monument in the center, and you will see a shop that says “CLO-SED”. Go east past that shop and you will see a shop called “Canna”. Enter and stock up on what you need (Cologne, Manicure, NigiriSet, etc.). You will also find a Luna-P here, so save the game.
When you are done, return to the place where you started. Go left and look for a building that has a big crystal top. Go up to it, and Eudial will challenge you to a battle.

Boss: Eudial
On the first turn, have everyone defend except for Pluto. Use Pluto's Time Stop and it will paralyze Eudial for 2 turns, making her wide open to your attacks! Use World Shaking, Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Death Reborn Revolution, Deep Submerge, and use a physical attack with Pluto. Be sure to count the number of turns that go by. When it's your 3rd turn (two turns after using Time Stop, immediately have Pluto use a Cologne to restore EP. Then when Eudial can attack again, have everyone except Pluto defend. Use Pluto's Time Stop once more and it will paralyze Eudial again. Then just repeat your techniques. The Time Stop technique makes this battle very easy!
Rewards after winning: 28,356 EXPs, 5000 Yen, Toilette
After the battle, Eudial dies.
Go left, keep going down, and you will see another building with a big crystal top. Approach it, and Tellu will challenge you to a battle.

Boss: Tellu
Pretty easy. Use the Time Stop strategy like you did on Eudial and you will defeat Tellu the same way. Remember to count the number of turns after using Time Stop, and be sure to use a Cologne to refill Pluto's EP so you can repeat the process. Revolution, Pink Sugar, World Shaking, Submerge, you know how it goes.
Rewards after winning: 29,543 EXPs, 9000 Yen, Fragrance
After the battle, Tellu dies.
Keep going right, past the monument, and you will see a “COFFEE” shop. Enter and stock up on what you need. Save your game if you want, then exit. Continue moving right until you see another building with a big crystal top. Approach it, and Viluy will challenge you to a battle.

Boss: Viluy
Use the Time Stop strategy again. It's very easy. Viluy knows Illusion, so use items like BathMedic to get rid of the ailment.
Rewards after winning: 28,553 EXPs, 7520 Yen, Bentou Set
After the battle, Viluy dies.
Go left to see a shop that says “Canna”. Enter it. You will find a Luna-P in here, so save your game now. When you're done, exit the shop.
Go down, left, down, left and you will see yet another building with a big crystal top. Approach it and Cyprine and Puchirol will challenge you to a battle.

Boss: Cyprine & Puchirol
This is a harder battle since you're up against two bosses. Use BathMedic if your character is caught by Illusion.
On the first turn, defend everyone except Pluto. Use Pluto's Time Stop. Use World Shaking, Pink Sugar, Revolution, Submerge, and attack with Pluto. Make sure you count the number of turns before the bosses can attack you again. Use a Cologne to refill EP. Rinse, lather, and repeat. It doesn't matter which boss you take out first, you'll still take em' out both in the end. I said “harder”, but the Time Stop strategy is foolproof.
Rewards after winning: 50,000 EXPs, 8000 Yen, Fragrance, MoonShard
After the battle, the twins will die.
Go right, up, keep going right until you see that building with the crystal top. We've already defeated the boss, so don't approach that crystal-top. Go right, and keep moving up, then go left and you will see the last building with a crystal top. Approach it and Mimett will challenge you to a battle.

Boss: Mimett
All too easy... Repeat the Time Stop strategy, just like you did with the previous bosses, and Mimett will fall. Make sure you use BathMedic or App.Medic to cure Mimett's Fascination if it hits.
Rewards after winning: 28,087 EXPs, 8000 Yen, WhiteRose
After the battle, Mimett dies.
We are finally done with all the crystal-top building battles! Now go left, keep moving, and you'll be back in the area where you started. Go up and you will enter the Crystal Palace without Anshar interrupting you.
Crystal Palace
Go left and enter any one of the three openings, which are right next to the stairs. Go right, up, and enter the door. You will find a traveling merchant here, who will give you a surprise if you have completed the Puzzle.
At this point of the game, surely you MUST have completed the Puzzle. If you didn't find the secret pieces, then you don't get the surprise. Talk to the traveling merchant and he will give you 10 Angel Pins, which are the BEST stat-boosting accessories in the game! Don't equip these on your characters yet, though. Exit the room when you are done.
Keep going down, until you exit the screen. Go left, and approach the stairway. Anshar interrupts, saying he wasn't made to take this fate to fight ChibiMoon. He begs her not to come any closer, or he'll have to fight her.
Go up the stairs and continue up, and Anshar will interrupt again. Anshar says he only wanted to live here in the future with ChibiMoon peacefully. But while she's a princess, he can't get any closer to him.
Go up a little and Anshar will interrupt yet again. Anshar wonders why he wasn't born closer to ChibiMoon. Then they wouldn't have had to fight like this.
Go up some more, near the stairway, and Anshar will interrupt again. Anshar pleads ChibiMoon not to come any closer because he doesn't want to fight.
Go up the stairway and you'll enter the next screen. Go up and you will encounter Anshar.
Anshar tells ChibiMoon not to come any closer. He doesn't want to fight. Suddenly, Apsu appears. Anshar exclaims he doesn't want to fight with ChibiMoon. This aggravates Apsu, as she cannot tolerate Anshar's impudence. Anshar tells her to shut up. If he has to fight ChibiMoon, then he'll die. Apsu tells him that it is an act of treason. Apsu teleports off and, suddenly, dark energy beams on Anshar, causing him to turn evil! Luna exclaims that Anshar is being controlled by evil energy. She tells ChibiMoon to watch out!

Boss: Anshar
Anshar is WAY too easy. You don't even need the Time Stop strategy to beat him. Just bash him to death using World Shaking, Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Death Reborn Revolution, Deep Submerge, maybe Dead Scream for Pluto. If you run out of EP, use a Cologne. If you're below 300 HP, which is hardly the case in this battle, then use a Bentou Set.
Rewards after winning: 55,432 EXPs, 50,000 Yen
Now weakened, Anshar asks if ChibiMoon is all right. ChibiMoon apologizes for hurting him. Anshar apologizes for being such a pain. He has always admired her. But he's just an ordinary person and she is the Princess. There was no way they could be with each other. But Anshar never gave up. He has thought so many times of taking ChibiMoon. But that thought has only brought Apsu to him. He didn't want this kind of fate. Anshar is about to lose consciousness. ChibiMoon tells Anshar to hang in there. Before losing consciousness, Anshar tells ChibiMoon that Apsu's weakness is the Silver Crystal. She's weak against the power of the crystal. Apsu is now at the Tower of Time, changing the fates. Anshar loses consciousness.
ChibiMoon begs Anshar not to die, as she is extremely worried about him. Uranus is outraged. How can they possibly forgive this? Apsu! Pluto states it is too early to be saddened. She tells Small Lady that they still have time. With her Silver Crystal, Anshar CAN be revived. ChibiMoon must believe in herself. ChibiMoon agrees and uses her Ginzuishou on Anshar. The power of the crystal has affected Anshar. Uranus asks how he is now and Pluto answers that he is only out cold now. Uranus asks if it's Apsu and Pluto answers yes. It's time to defeat Apsu and bring back the correct fates. Neptune agrees. In order not to make anyone else saddened. Uranus suggests that the time is now to settle things with Apsu!
ChibiMoon tells Anshar to wait for her. She will restore his fate.
Time-Space Door Entrance
Now regrouped, Sailor Moon asks ChibiMoon how the Queen is doing. But ChibiMoon tells Sailor Moon that something is going on more important than that. Sailor Moon wonders what's wrong and ChibiMoon explains that Apsu is up in the Tower of Time trying to change fate! Everyone is shocked. Jupiter exclaims that they cannot waste time standing around. Venus says they should hurry.
Pluto tells the Senshi that everyone can't head to the tower of time. Mercury agrees. They have to get Shingo home as well. Sailor Moon agrees, saying that they can't let Shingo get involved in this battle. Mars states that they can't all go to take Shingo back home. Venus says if their fates are changed during that time, it could mean disaster. Uranus suggests that they should split up again. Neptune agrees and tells Sailor Moon that it's up to her to stop Apsu. Sailor Moon agrees, exclaiming that with her power of the Crystal they'll defeat Apsu! Saturn suggests that the ones with the power to defeat Apsu should head out with Sailor Moon.
ChibiMoon wishes Sailor Moon good luck. She decides to take the responsibility for getting Shingo home. Sailor Moon agrees and tells ChibiMoon to take care of Shingo. The party menu screen popped up. I recommend you bring along the following characters for Sailor Moon: Pluto, Uranus, Mercury, and Saturn. Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus all should go with ChibiMoon.
Sailor Moon exclaims that it's time to end this! ChibiMoon tells her not to lose to Apsu. “In the name of the Moon, I'll punish her!” ChibiMoon wishes Sailor Moon luck and runs off with the others back to the Present.
Open up your menu screen and go to Formations. Make sure Uranus and Saturn are at the front, while Mercury and Pluto are at the back. Sailor Moon should be in the middle, Cluster. When you're done, exit the menu. Go up and approach the Time-Space Door.
Sailor Moon sees a rose petal and wonders where Tuxedo Kamen is. Luna notices that the rose petal trail is headed towards the Time Gate. Uranus exclaims that they have to go, no matter what.
Enter the Time Gate door.
Inside Time-Space
Go up and you will continue to see a trail of rose petals as you keep moving up.
Sailor Moon notices that the rose petals seem to be going to the Tower of Time. Luna is surprised and thought that the tower sank when they saved Pluto. Sailor Moon and Luna quickly head off to the Tower of Time. A new tower is there! Apsu's voice is heard and she asks how we like her new Tower of Time. If we want Tuexdo Kamen back, enter the Tower of Time. If we have the kind of courage that is! Luna asks what Sailor Moon is going to do. Sailor Moon wants to enter.
Go up and you will find Tuxedo Kamen, who has been imprisoned!
Chained on a wall, Tuxedo Kamen apologizes. After defeating Fiore, he was captured. Sailor Moon asks if they can escape, but Luna says it could be difficult. Apsu's mental energy is being used as a lock. Sailor Moon asks if they have to beat Apsu first and Luna answers yes. Sailor Moon apologizes to Tuxedo Kamen, as they can't seem to free him right now. Tuxedo Kamen tells her not to worry about him. Concentrate on defeating Apsu. Sailor Moon doesn't want to leave Kamen, but Kamen tells her that if Apsu is beaten he will be set free. If we lose, then Kamen dies. But he believes in Sailor Moon. When they die, it'll be together at the same time.
Sailor Moon starts crying, but Kamen tells her not to. When we defeat Apsu, everything will be fine. Now is NOT the time to give up! Sailor Moon agrees.
Go right and stand in FRONT of the empty treasure chest. Take one step down, then one step right and you will be teleported to the next screen. Go up and enter through the door. Keep going up, then go right and step on the light thingie on the floor (where the empty chest is) to be transported to the next screen. Go up and you will find a Luna-P. Save now, then go right until you find the two empty treasure chests. Near the chest on the right is another teleportation floor. You will be teleported to the next screen upon finding it.
Now just go up and you will find Apsu.
Apsu is glad to see the Senshi here, the ones who are trying to twist her fate to destruction. Sailor Moon tells Apsu directly that she's also playing with people's fates. “In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!” A circle of light surrounds the Sailor Senshi. Apsu states that the Silver Crystal is her ward. She asks for the Silver Crystal to show Sailor Moon the new fate! The crystal responds to Apsu's call and a dream scene ensues.
Usagi, once again, is going home with a VERY bad test mark (30/100). Usagi's mom will scold her now. Usagi exclaims that she hates tests! Mamoru appears and comments on how bad Usagi's test result is. Usagi asks what HE'S looking at and Mamoru tells Odango head to study some more. Usagi teases him and the dream scene ends. Apsu is confused and wonders how come Sailor Moon's fate has not changed. Sailor Moon tells Apsu that she doesn't understand her biggest mistake. Fate is what people's hearts create. She didn't love Mamoru because of fate. No matter how Apsu changes it, Sailor Moon'll never give up Mamoru! Apsu understands. But it seems as though Sailor Moon is the only one who thinks that.
Mercury couldn't believe in the Silver Crystal. If she fights like this, she'll fall behind in her studies. And Mercury won't be able to become a doctor anymore. Sailor Moon asks what she's saying. All the hardships in their lives. Everyone worked hard to solve them and create happy endings. Changing fate... And even throwing all their effort out the door. No, we've got to do our best! Sailor Moon doesn't want to see her friends give up. Mercury apologizes, saying she was afraid. For Apsu not to die, she'll have to kill us to achieve it!

Boss: Apsu
A hard battle here. I found out that the Time Stop strategy doesn't seem to work on Apsu for some reason. I knew there would be some limits to this awesome technique. Watch out for Apsu's Dark Sun, as it does heaps of damage. Her Hell Attack does “hell” of a damage too. She also knows Toxic Mist, which Numbs. So make sure you heal using BathMedics.
The Time Stop does work. Even if it says “Miss”, Apsu should still be unable to move for two turns. Even if the attack doesn't do any damage at all, Time Stop should still paralyze an enemy for at least two turns.
On the first turn, defend everyone except Mercury. Have Mercury use a Manicure on Sailor Moon. On the second turn, defend everyone again except for Sailor Moon and Mercury. Use MoonCup1 on Sailor Moon and have Mercury use a Manicure on Saturn. On the third turn, use Rainbow Moon Heart Ache, World Shaking, defend Pluto, Revolution, and have Mercury use a Manicure on Uranus. Then on the fourth turn, repeat your techniques and have Mercury and Pluto defend because they are your healers. Heal with a Bentou Set or other HP recovery items if you're below 300 and use Cologne if you're out of EP. If one of your characters falls, use a life recovery item. Keep using your techniques until Apsu falls.
Rewards after winning: 4464 EXPs, 18,928 Yen
After the battle, the Senshi are happy that Apsu is defeated. Now all the fates will return to normal. Having regrouped, ChibiMoon tells Sailor Moon that Shingo is home now. Suddenly, there is an earthquake. Pluto states that the fates which have been changed are moving back. Mars suggests they get out of here since it's getting dangerous.
Sailor Moon goes to Kamen and tells him that they have defeated Apsu. Tuxedo Kamen compliments us. It's now time to get out of here! So Sailor Moon frees Kamen and the two evacuate the Tower of Time, as it starts sinking. Venus remarks that it's over, but Mercury prompts that the evil comet has to be purified. Sailor Moon wonders how they'll do that. Luna suggests if the Senshi put all their powers into the Silver Crystal, it might purify the comet. Sailor Moon agrees and is ready to do it.
Venus wonders when the comet will arrive. By Mercury's calculations, in 2 hours from now in the future.
The scene switches over to the throne room. ChibiMoon points out the arrival of the comet! All the Sailor Senshi unite their power to purify it. A field of light energy expands as a result of harnessing the power of the crystal. The light beams up to space and affects the comet. It has finally been purified!
Sailor Moon states everything is over. But Luna seems to have noticed that the Crystal Palace STILL hasn't returned to normal! Tuxedo Kamen wonders if there is something they missed. Sailor Moon tells Kamen to wait here. Mars agrees and says that they wouldn't always want to rely on him. Leave it to us.
The scene switches over to the Tower of Time, where Apsu is there and STILL alive! Apsu, now weakened, wonders how she was beaten. She doesn't want to die. She wants someone to give her strength. Sin abruptly appears, saying that she'll give her power to Apsu so they can start a new fate. If Apsu lives, she and Anshar can live in peace. With that said, Sin merges with Apsu.
Back in the throne room, Mercury senses evil energy. Sailor Moon felt it too. Pluto has sensed it also. This evil energy, it's surrounding the Crystal Palace. Uranus implies that at this rate, people inside the palace will be taken over. They'll be poisoned by evil. Neptune says the people could all die. ChibiMoon is shocked, as she doesn't her mom and dad in the Future to die. Saturn states that if Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion die, the world held up by the Silver Crystal will become a land of chaos. The Senshi will have to finish it off themselves. The Senshi soon figure out that this dark energy belongs to Apsu.
Jupiter is surprised, thinking that Apsu was dead. Pluto answers yes. This dark energy is similar to Apsu's. Neptune states that it's also similar to Sin's. Mercury has calculated the position of the energy source on her computer. The source is in the basement of the palace. Let's go!
Remember the two treasure chests we saw back in Chapter 4, but couldn't collect? Well, here's your chance to get them now. So pick up the chests to get a Crystal Cologne and a Crystal Drop. Go down and exit. Go down the stairs and keep going down until you enter the next screen. Go down the stairs, then enter the left opening that is next to the stairs. Go left, up, right, and enter in the middle.
Go down, down the stairs. You will see a Luna-P here, so save now. Then go down the stairs.
Go down and right.
Sailor Moon states that the evil energy is coming from this room. Everyone agrees that it's coming from here. Neptune comments that compared to before, it's much stronger and more evil. We have to put a stop to this evil energy. Otherwise the palace... no, the entire Earth will fall into chaos. Sailor Moon understands and exclaims that she won't lose to some evil energy. She'll protect everyone... the entire Earth! Let's move out! But first, Sailor Moon tells ChibiMoon that she should stay behind. ChibiMoon is confused and asks why, since she can fight with them too. Sailor Moon is worried that if everyone dies, who will then defend the Earth? Who will defend Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion?
ChibiMoon is in a loss for words and Sailor Moon states that she must stay behind to protect her mom and dad. ChibiMoon agrees. Time to decide who will fight and who will defend.
The party selection screen opens up. I recommend you take the following characters: Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, and Venus. Pluto is going to be needed for the final battle. Trust me.
You can do some final preparations before entering the door, like building up some levels or stocking up on some items.
Open your menu and go to Formations. Make sure Saturn and Uranus are at the front, while Venus and Pluto are at the back. Now go to accessories and equip each Angel Pin on Sailor Moon, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto. For Sailor Moon, equip 1 Angel Pin by unequipping the Bracelet. For Sailor Venus, equip 1 Angel Pin by unequipping the Tiara. For Sailor Uranus, equip 1 Angel Pin by unequipping the Tiara. For Sailor Pluto, equip 1 Angel Pin by unequipping the Tiara. And for Sailor Saturn, equip 1 Angel Pin by unequipping the Amulet.
When you have completed your preparations, enter the door for the final battle.
The Tower of Time
Sailor Moon wonders where the Tower of Time is, as she notices nothing but darkness. Suddenly, Apsu appears and now has a new look! Sailor Moon asks what's with her body and Apsu answers that she has merged with Sin. She has become unsightly, but has so much power! If Apsu wanted, the palace could be reduced to dust instantly! But she would like to kill the Sailor Senshi for her satisfaction. Besides, if she destroys the palace, finding the Silver Crystal would become such a hassle.
Apsu tells the Senshi that the final change of fate will be done at the Crystal Palace. Sailor Moon refuses to allow Apsu take possession of the Palace OR the Silver Crystal! Changing the fates of innocent people, trying to destroy their happy lives. “In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!”

Boss: Demon Apsu
Note: The dragon Demon Apsu is riding on does NOT count as an enemy. This is it... the final battle! You've worked so hard and now you're here for the showdown! Demon Apsu is pretty hard, but fortunately, the Time Stop strategy helped me win this without getting much damage.
Watch out for Apsu's FanDoSheckle attack, as it could eliminate all your characters in one hit! She also knows Hell Attack and Sonic Wave (which causes sleep). Note that Sailor Pluto's Time Stop WILL work, even if it says “Miss“.
On the first turn, defend everyone except Pluto. Use Pluto's Time Stop on Apsu. Make sure you count the number of turns that go by before Apsu can attack again. On the second turn, use MoonCup1 to change Sailor Moon to Super and use World Shaking, Revolution, LoveMe Chain, and have Pluto use a Fragrance on all your characters. On the third turn, use Rainbow Moon Heart Ache and repeat your techniques with your other characters. Have Pluto use a Cologne. On the fourth turn, defend all your characters except Pluto. And have Pluto Time Stop on this turn. On the fifth turn, repeat the process of using techniques until you hit turn 3, in which case you will defend your characters except for Pluto and have her use a Colgone then Time Stop. Repeat the Time Stop strategy until Demon Apsu is vanquished.
Rewards after winning: 0 EXP, 0 Yen
If you defeated this Demon Apsu battle, then you have unlocked the best ending in the game! But if you lost...

Boss: Demon Apsu (2)
This battle is easy! It doesn't matter how your characters are arranged in battle, Demon Apsu has very weak attacks and has a MUCH lower defense now, allowing you to damage her greatly per turn. Just use techniques until this sorry-excuse-for-a-boss falls.
Rewards after winning: 0 EXP, 0 Yen
If you win THIS battle, and I know that you did, then you unlock a different ending (which is not as good). Either way, you have defeated Apsu. Congratulations, you have beaten Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Another Story a.k.a. Sailor Moon RPG! Now watch whichever endings you have unlocked and enjoy the credits :)