Ratix Farrence

Age: 19

Race: Fellpool

Origin: Clatos village, Moore continent.

Class: Fighter

Height: 174cm

Weight: 68kg

Ratix is the main character you control throughout the entire game. He’s a Fellpoolian who embarks on a quest to save the world. Similar to Cless from Tales of Phantasia, Ratix boasts an impressive array of powerful attacks.

Since he’s always part of the party, Ratix tends to have the highest level compared to the other characters. While his standard techniques may lack some of the unique extras possessed by other swordsmen, he more than makes up for it with his exceptional Secret Techniques.

Ratix excels at Customize and Smithing, and his consistently high level allows him to perform well in most other skills, except for Alchemy.

Techniques: Short Range

Rift Wave

Learned: Level 2

MP: 3

Ratix will let loose with a circle of energy directly around him. Very good for when you're surrounded by enemies, plus it costs virtually no MP. If you level up your school skill, it won't cost any MP.

Blaze Sword

Learned: Level 7

MP: 6

He jumps up in the air and hits the enemy twice with a fiery blade. A decent technique, but once you get Twin Slash it's not worth using any more.

Shock Sword

Learned: Level 12

MP: 5

Ratix summons thunder to his sword and slices the enemy. It's rather slow and easy to avoid, and only hits once. When it does hit, though, it does nice damage for the first half or so of the game.

Twin Slash

Learned: Level 20

MP: 11

An excellent technique; basically the same as Blaze Sword but without the fire-elemental, and with more power.

Dragon Howl

Learned: Level 29

MP: 13

Ratix jumps up in the air, turns into a dragon, and shoots an energy bolt at the enemy. This one seems to miss a LOT, and doesn't do as much damage as some other techniques.

Techniques: Long Range

Flash Whirl

Learned: Level 10

MP: 5

He jumps up in the air and hits the enemy twice with a fiery blade. A decent technique, but once you get Twin Slash it's not worth using any more.

Air Slash

Learned: Level 16

MP: 9

Ratix shoots a pillar of energy towards the enemy. It only hits once, but Ratix can fire them off rapidly and can stay out of range while he does it.

Spirit Blast

Learned: Level 25

MP: 8

Ratix runs up fairly close to the enemy and lets loose with a blast of energy. Again, only hits once, but it's a bit stronger than Air Slash.

Secret Techs: Short Range

7-Star Flash Whirl

Learned: 7-Star Secret Skill, from Flash Whirl

MP: 25

Basically the same as Flash Whirl, but this time it's actually useful, because the fireballs are much larger and stronger and therefore have a much higher chance of hitting things.

7-Star Shock Sword

Learned: 7-Star Secret Skill, from Shock Sword

MP: 15

Basically the same as Shock Sword except stronger and with an extra lightning bolt.

7-Star Twin Slash

Learned: 7-Star Secret Skill, from Twin Slash

MP: 27

Probably Ratix's best short-range technique. He does an incredibly powerful Twin Slash, then shoots another two bolts of energy which can travel straight across the screen. Instant decimation for most enemies, and those it doesn't kill it can definitely keep occupied!

Secret Techs: Long Range

Phoenix Wave

Learned: Sacred Beast Secret Skill, from Rift Wave

MP: 14

Does the same thing that Rift Wave does, but it uses a fiery bird to do so; therefore it has much larger range and power, but it's fire-elemental. Not bad for regular fights later on.

Dragon Blast

Learned: Sacred Beast Secret Skill, from Spirit Blast

MP: 12

A powered-up Spirit Blast which includes a large dragon. It has a wider swath and can be executed from farther away. A good long-range tech if you don't have the Dragon Summon Secret Skill.

Black Dragon's Rage

Learned: Dragon Summon Secret Skill, from Dragon Howl

MP: 30

Time stops, and Ratix summons a dragon to do super-powerful Darkness damage to all enemies. He can pull these off very quickly (though they sap MP quickly too); great technique!

Blue Dragon's Rage

Learned: Dragon Summon Secret Skill, from Dragon Blast

MP: 30

Same as Black Dragon's Rage but Water-elemental.

Red Dragon's Rage

Learned: Dragon Summon Secret Skill, from Phoenix Wave

MP: 30

Same as Black Dragon's Rage but Fire-elemental.