Here's a bunch of notable songs from Star Ocean. To download a song, right-click the audio player and go to Save Audio As. If you want to download the entire soundtrack in a single zip, scroll further down.
Calm Time 3.21 MB
Departures 1.77 MB
First Experience 3.30 MB
Innocence 2.51 MB
New World 1.81 MB
One Challenge 3.36 MB
Sunny Place 3.10 MB
What Should Be 2.72 MB
Download the full soundtracks for Star Ocean in a variety of formats and grades of quality. I have here the official album cover along with a few alternate covers made with the box art and title screens. The album covers are also included in these zip files.
The full soundtrack for the game, containing all 46 tracks and 18 instrument tracks. These are MP3s encoded at 190 KB/s with a variable bit rate. In other words, these MP3s were compressed to the smallest size possible without any noticeable loss of quality.
The full soundtrack for the game, containing all 46 tracks and 18 instrument tracks. These are MP3s encoded at 320 KB/s with a constant bit rate. This collection is for people who want MP3s in the absolute highest quality possible.
This zip contains the full soundtrack in RSN format. RSN music is the actual programming of the songs pulled from the game. With RSN, you are able to experience the soundtrack in the highest audio quality possible! Learn more about RSN files and how to play them in my Extracted Video Game Music Tutorial.
SPC songs are exactly like RSN (above), with the exception that every song is a separate file.
This zip contains 13 tracks from the soundtrack in MIDI format. I wish there was more, but this is all that's available.