Title: The First Castle (long version) Length: 08:25 Description: A compilation of random gameplay footage throughout the first castle. This is a tour of every part of the castle and all of the bosses. YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: The First Castle (short version) Length: 00:47 Description: A brief compilation of random bits of gameplay footage throughout the first castle. It's short and sweet! YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: Prologue ("Final Stage: Bloodlines") Length: 02:03 Description: The exciting prologue stage where Richter faces Dracula for the 'final' battle. When Richter's health runs low, Maria comes to help him. YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: Entrance Length: 02:02 Description: The beginning of the game up to the point where you encounter Death. YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: Encounter with Succubus Length: 01:40 Description: The infamous encounter with the Succubus. She read Alucard's mind and recalled the memory of when his mother was sacrificed at the stake. YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: To the Inverse Castle Length: 02:21 Description: Gameplay footage and FMV sequence of Alucard's battle with Richter at the end of the first castle. Alucard destroys the orb and foils Shaft's plan, or did he? The Inverse Castle appears! YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: Introduction FMV Length: 02:02 Description: The CGI sequence right before the prologue (a.k.a. "Final Stage: Bloodlines"). The camera flies across the lake and rotates around the castle. YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |
Title: Prelude Story Length: 01:46 Description: This plays between the prologue and the real start of the game. It scrolls an overview of the background story, with a pretty backdrop of Dracula's castle. YouTube [ View on YouTube ] |