Name: Home Time: Circa 1000 A.D. Type of Weapon: Katana Type of Magic: Lightning Crono is the main man of the game. He is also the most well-rounded character, with a good assortment of weapons and techs. Crono is the embodiment of the saying, "Talk softly, but carry a big sword." Although he rarely speaks, Crono conveys much emotion into the beings he encounters. Crono's techs and magic are also well rounded. A few attack powers, a few healing powers. And, of course, Crono has his wonderful cat. It actually plays a part in an ending, that is if you don't feed it. TECHS & MAGICCyclone: Cyclone is the first tech Crono achieves, and it is used through-out the adventure. it has many applications against large enemies and large groups of enemies. Slash: Slash has limited uses, but is great against the whirlwinds created by Masa & Mune. Lightning: Lightning is the first true magical capability Crono gets. Zaps one enemy at a time. Spincut: This attack functions just as a critical hit, doing twice as much damage as normal. Lightning 2: This is one of the best attacks possible. For only 8 MP, L2 shocks all the enemies on the screen. Life: Just what it sounds like, Life brings an ally back to life. Confuse: This is one of my favorites. Jump on the opponent's head, and whack 'em with the sword 4 times! Nothing to it, right? Just 15 MP. Luminaire: Crono's most powerful spell, Luminaire costs a whopping 20 MP, but most enemies don't survive long to fight back. |
Name: Home Time: Circa 1000 A.D. Type of Weapon: Various guns Type of Magic: Fire Lucca has the thickest glasses in the game. Besides that, she is incredibly smart. She made Gato, the training robot in Leene Square. After traveling to the Arris Dome, Lucca uses the powerful super-computer there to find out where a good time-gate is. And with finding Robo, Lucca the mechanical genius repairs the damaged robot. She is also Crono's best friend and partner in crime. Lucca has the most attack techs besides Magus, and they each have seven. They range from tossing grenades to tossing fire to knocking them out! Far from subtle, these skills pack a punch as powerful as some of Crono's. TECHS & MAGICFlame Toss: Lucca tosses a line of fire, hitting all enemies standing on that line. Hypno Wave: With this tech, Lucca knocks out her opponents during a battle. This tech does not work on droids. Fire: Lucca's first real spell, fire does a reasonable amount of damage to one enemy. Napalm: Napalm is used to destroy chemical weapons while they are still in the air. It also works on the enemies in Chrono Trigger. Protect: Lucca's only defense spell, Protect increases an ally's resistance to physical attacks. Fire 2: Fire 2 does considerably more damage then Fire does, plus, it hits all the enemies, instead of just one. Worth the 8 MP. Mega Bomb: A much more powerful version of Napalm, Mega Bomb does all sorts of damage to all enemies within it's effect radius. Flare: Lucca's most powerful attack, Flare hits all enemies on the screen for amazing amounts of damage. The drawback is that it costs 20 MP. |
Name: Nadia; Home Time: Circa 1000 A.D. Type of Weapon: Crossbow Type of Magic: Water, technically Ice All the trouble starts with Marle. Think about it. If Crono hadn't met her, they wouldn't have gone back in time. There would have not been a trial. She was the one who wanted to fight Lavos. She started it all! Anyway, besides that fact, she is really the princess of Guardia Castle. Her real name is Princess Nadia. She ran away from the castle to get out and see what the world is like. You meet her wandering around at the fair aimlessly. Marle has a fair assortment of techs and spells, but most are devoted to healing. If your party is in dire straights, put her in your group. TECHS & MAGICAura: Marle's first tech is a little healing one. It's not very powerful by itself, but with Crono in the group, their Dual Tech is quite strong. Provoke: With this tech, Marle waves her fanny at the enemies, hoping that they will attack her. This leads the way for more powerful techs. Ice: This is Marle's first damage spell! Even for that, though, it is pretty weak. Once again, it sets the stage for more powerful attacks, like Cube Toss, between Ayla and Marle. Cure: Marle gives a healing hand to almost completely restore one character's hit points. Haste: One of the most versatile skills in the game, Haste halves the reaction time for a character. It helps from slow spells, and if you need an extra punch, watch Crono cast Luminaire twice before the enemy gets a hit in! Ice 2: Using Ice 2, Marle can create a huge block of ice over her enemy's heads, smashing them all. Cure 2: Useful during longer battles, Cure 2 restores one character's hit points completely. Life 2: For a cost of 20 MP, you can revive a character and fully restore their HP at the same time! |
Name: Glenn; Home Time: 600 A.D. Type of Weapon: Sword Type of Magic: Water Frog (a.k.a. Glenn) has a long and harrowing past. He was picked on as a little kid, and his only friend there was Cyrus. When Cyrus joined the Guardia Army, he pressured Glenn to join, but would not, for fear that if Glenn killed someone, he would lose it. After a few careers, Cyrus and Glenn set off on an adventure together, to find the Masamune. They succeeded, and then went to look for the Hero's Medal. At this time, Magus had taken control of the army of the Mystics. He also wanted the Masamune, so Magus, Ozzie, Glenn, and Cyrus did battle on Denadoro Peak. The Masamune snapped in half, and Cyrus was killed by Magus. Ozzie thought it would be better if they let Glenn survive, but as a hideous creature. Magus turned him into a frog. Glenn (who changed his name to fit his appearance) brought the restless remains of Cyrus to a tomb, where Cyrus' ghost roamed the area. Frog then continued Cyrus' job of protecting Leene. Frog has many powerful techs that are more offensive then defensive. Frog is also excellent with the sword, and if he has the Masamune and the Hero's Medal, Frog almost always gets a critical hit. On the first power-up, the Masamune has a strength of 75, on the second, it goes to 200! TECHS & SPELLSSlurp: This is the tech Frog comes with. With a flick of the tongue, he can heal up an ally. Slurp Cut: In this tech, Frog wraps his tongue around and enemy. Dragging the enemy closer, Frog hacks with abandon at the captured opponent. Water: Spekkio found it fitting to give Frog water magic, so this is the first spell Frog learns. Bubbles splash on the enemy and do some damage. Heal: A pretty solid healing spell, Heal recovers some hit points and restores status. Leap Slash: An incredibly fast tech, Frog jumps into the air, and comes down oven an opponent blade-first! Does a good amount of damage. Water 2: The upgrade of Water, Water 2 hits all enemies and does much more damage. Cure 2: A much improved version of Marle's Cure (why does Frog have it?), Cure 2 fully restores the hit points of any one character. Frog Squash: Frog calls on a huge frog friend to do his job, and this amphibian drops on the opposition. This is the only tech besides Ayla's Dino Tail that does more damage with the less hit points Frog has. |
Name: R-66Y or Home Time: 2300 A.D. Type of Weapon: Mechanical arms Type of Magic: None. Uses electronic devices such as lasers. Robo is the robot fixed by Lucca. You will find him in the Proto Dome in 2300 A.D. Robo has a good complement of devices to beat the baddies into submission with, and these devices come in handy quite often. Robo's techs lean more towards attack than healing. Shock is similar to Crono's Luminaire, not in optical style, but in the amount of pain it causes enemies. TECHSRocket Punch: A pop to the jaw with Robo's metal fist. Cure Beam: This is used to restore some of a character's hit points. Laser Spin: one of the coolest techs, Robo spins around on his wheels, shooting lasers from his eyes. This hits all enemies. Robo Tackle: Even if your character is not named Robo, this is still called Robo Tackle. Robo rushes in at top speed and smacks into his opponent. Heal Beam: A stronger version of cure beam, Heal Beam helps all your allies recover some hit points. Uzi Punch: A much stronger variant of Rocket Punch, Uzi Punch delivers multiple jabs to the face with Robo's powerful fist. Area Bomb: Limited in it's uses, Area Bomb detonates and engulfs everything in close range around Robo. Shock: A plasma beam leaps out of Robo to electrocute everything on screen, minus allies. Very powerful. |
Name: Home Time: 65,000,000 B.C. Type of Weapon: None (uses fists) Type of Magic: None (uses techs) Ayla is the strongest human in Loka village, and thereby the leader of the village of 65,000,000 B.C. Being born into a land before magic was cultivated, Ayla has no magical abilities, but extremely powerful physical techs that pound opponents into gruel. Ayla has possession of a hunk of Dreamstone, which she was rewarded with upon achieving status of Ioka Chief. Ayla's brute force is useful in the prehistoric times but don't count on her being too useful for the rest of the game. TECHSKiss: With a gentle kiss, Ayla restores a character's status and some Hit Points. When Ayla has 50 MP, she restores 800 Hit Points. Rollo Kick: In this basic attack, Ayla jump-kicks a single enemy. Cat Attack: In this tech, Ayla acts like a cat, slashing and biting all who oppose her. Rock Throw: A great tech! Ayla hoists up an enemy and tosses them easily! What's even better is the dual tech between her and Robo, where they throw an enemy back-and-forth. Charm: The most versatile of Ayla's techs, Charm allows her to steal an item from an enemy. Tail Spin: Ayla spins into a small tornado, whipping around the enemies, thus doing a substantial amount of damage. Dino Tail: Living in prehistoria has advantages. With this tech, Ayla calls a dinosaur friend to swipe it's tail along the opponents. Causes considerable amounts of pain. This is one of two techs in the game where the less HP you have, the more damage you do. Triple Kick: Ayla's most powerful tech, Triple Kick lets her leap into the air and land three powerful jump-kicks onto one enemy's head. The pain! |
Name: Janus; Home Time: Born in 12,000 B.C. as Janus, but mostly raised as a Mystic in 600 A.D. Type of Weapon: Scyther Type of Magic: Shadow Magus is the best. Simply put. With the most powerful spell (Dark Matter), the coolest weapon, Doom Sickle, and the best lines, Magus beats the puss out of the rest of the cast of Chrono Trigger (oh, no, I'm not biased). When equipped with Moon Armor, Doom Sickle, and Prism Helm, Magus is unstoppable. He has great spells, in which he uses to utterly crush his foes. Magus is awesome. Magus has very powerful spells. Only Crono's Luminaire can even come close to the power of Dark Matter, but it is still a distant second. Magus, untrustworthy as always, has no dual techs, but when equipped with the correct accessory, can invoke Triple Techs like Dark Eternal and Omega Flare. SPELLSLightning 2: Just like Crono's, but better, because he is Magus. Ice 2: Same as Marle's, but many times better, since he is Magus. Fire 2: A copy of Lucca's tech, but it's just plain cooler to see Magus chant then it is to see Lucca spin around. Dark Bomb: Another lovely little tech by Magus, Dark Bomb is a grenade of pure nastiness. Magic Wall: Magus is very smart. In long battles, cast this, which functions just like a Barrier. Dark Mist: A lot like Frog's Water 2 in pyrotechnics, but better, because (you guessed it) he's Magus. Black Hole: A really mean spell, it doesn't do any damage, just sucks in an enemy to the void. Be careful, though, it doesn't always work, and usually never against bosses. Dark Matter: The most powerful spell in the game! It leaves the enemies in a pile of bones. End of subject. |