Playable Characters & Job Classes
Cross Knights are just like normal Knights but their
special attacks are quite powerful; they consist of a large explosion of
focused elemental power.
Flame Hit - Fire damage
Ice Hit - Water damage
Thunder Hit - Physical thunder damage
Poison Hit - Poison damage
Drug Hit - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from targets
Earth Hit - Earth damage
Saint Hit - Holy damage
Dark Hit - Dark damage
Uni Hit - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
? Hit - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Summoners are the coolest characters in the game! They can summon dragons which can cause devastating damage to several enemy parties. One dragon, Leviathan, also can to freeze large portions of lakes/rivers for walking across.
Valitora - Non-elemental damage (gained after chapter 6)
Leviathan - Water damage (gained after chapter 11)
Garuda - Non-elemental damage (gained after chapter 14)
Jormungand - Earth damage (gained after chapter 16)
Hyperion - Non-elemental damage (gained after chapter 20)
Bahamut - Fire damage (gained after chapter 21)
Alexander - Dark damage (gained at start of Ex-Play game)
Vali - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Levvy - Water damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Garu - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Jormy - Earth damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Hypie - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Bahamie - Fire damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Alex - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Red Magic
White Drug - Heals HP
Flame Gaze - Magical fire damage
Bingo - Raises attack power for targets
Uni Magic - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
Mystery Magic - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Knights are strong attackers! They're the most well-balanced characters in the game. Their special attacks consist of swirling blasts of elemental power. Truce's legs look like two sticks shoved up his ass.
Flame Pulse - Flame damage
Ice Pulse - Water damage
Thunder Pulse - Thunder damage
Poison Pulse - Poison damage
Drug Pulse - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from target
Earth Pulse - Earth damage
Saint Pulse Holy damage
Dark Pulse - Dark damage
Uni Pulse - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
? Pulse - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Heavy Armor |

Matelite |

Barclay |

Taicho |

Gunso |
Heavy Armor are strong attackers! They
can to focus elemental power into their axes for a special
attack. The only thing that sucks about them is that their heavy
armor sure does decrease the movement span of a battle party. You
need to buddy them up with some Light Armor.
Flame Smash - Flame damage
Ice Smash - Water damage
Thunder Smash - Thunder damage
Poison Smash - Poison damage
Drug Smash - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from target
Earth Smash - Earth damage
Saint Smash Holy damage
Dark Smash - Dark damage
Uni Smash - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
? Smash - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Inspire - Thunder damage
Uni Inspire - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
? Inspire - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
I love Light Armor! Not only are they cute, but they're quite strong. The best part about them is that they increase the movement span of any battle party you toss them in.
Flame Tower - Fire damage
Ice Tower - Water damage
Thunder Tower - Physical thunder damage
Poison Tower - Poison damage
Drug Tower - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from targets
Earth Tower - Earth damage
Saint Tower - Holy damage
Dark Tower - Dark damage
Uni Tower - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
? Tower - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Wizards! Their attack spells are weak but can gain more power if you keep them together in the same unit.
In direct battle, spells can be cast upon one or all targets. You'll especially love how their spells interact with
the landscape. If you use a fire spell on bushes or forests then it'll
light on fire, which can damage whoever stands on it. Ice spells can
make bridges across the water. Lightning spells can destroy
walls, buildings, and various other structures.
Black Magic
Flame Gaze - Fire damage
Ice Magice - Water damage
Thunder Gale - Physical thunder damage
Bionics - Poison damage
Energy Drain - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from targets
Earthquake - Earth damage
Armageddon - Holy damage
Halley Gazer - Dark damage
Uni Magic - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
Mystery Magic - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Priests are only good for healing. Keep them
together so long-distance heal spells are stronger. Their Sleep
spell is quite effective; you might want to use it against a strong battle
party or those annoying enemy healers which never stop healing.
Priests are a must to have around if you ever want to purify those
annoying poisonous swamps for walking across.
White Magic
White Drug - Heals HP
Cleanup - Heals all status ailments
Sleep - Attempts to put target to sleep
Exorcism - Attempts to instantly kill target
Return Life - If the target is dead, recovers with at least half HP
Starfall - Earth damage
Big Burst - Holy damage
Infinity - Dark damage
Uni Magic - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Mystery Magic - Heal allies (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Lancers are pretty cool. Their Lance attacks
damage all targets in an enemy party and they use up little MP. Keep them together so
their long-distance attacks cause more damage.
Flame Dust - Fire damage
Ice Dust - Water damage
Thunder Dust - Thunder damage
Poison Dust - Poison damage
Drug Dust - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from targets
Earth Dust - Earth damage
Saint Dust - Holy damage
Dark Dust - Dark damage
Uni Dust - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black
Dragon only)
? Dust - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)
Mini-Devils suck. Their random powers are weak
and useless. I've been told their powers are much stronger towards
the end of the game, but they still wouldn't be efficient enough since
they're random. The only time they're useful is at the beginning of the
game when they use their blizzard dance, which can freeze a lake with the
same large radius that Leviathan (one of the dragons) does.
Devil Dance
Aquastorm - Ice-elemental attack
Breath Wing - Non-elemental attack
Damage All - Poison-elemental attack on both allies and enemies
Earth Shake - Earth-elemental attack
Fire Breath - Fire-elemental attack
Flamethrower - Fire-elemental attack
Gastric Juice - Life-elemental damage and drains HP from enemies
Heal - Heals HP of both enemies and allies
Heal Enemy Party - Heals HP of enemies
Megavolt - Thunder-elemental attack
MP Damage - Reduces MP of enemies
Mr. Gunfire - Thunder-elemental attack
Nightmare - Takes off 50% of current HP of target(s)
Nightmare 99 - Takes off 75% of current HP of target
Poison Powder - Poison-elemental attack
Power Dance - Heals party's HP
Roll - Earth-elemental attack
Seductive Smile - Attempts to put enemies to sleep
Spore - Poison-elemental attack
Super Secret Attack - Thunder-elemental attack
Toxic Ink - Non-elemental damage
Winter Visit - Ice-elemental attack
Reggae/Fright Dance
Bagdem - Non-elemental attack
Complete Heal All - Heals all HP and MP for every unit on the field
(^this is the only way to heal dragons' MP!)
Damage All - Poison-elemental attack on both allies and enemies
Frog All - Takes off 25% of current HP of every single unit on the
Gigashock - Non-elemental attack
Heal All - Heals HP for both allies and enemies
Heal Enemy Party - Heals enemies' HP
MP Damage - Reduces enemies' MP
Ragnarok - Non-elemental attack
(^can be used in the field only for Reggae, but both field and battle for
Super Secret Attack - Thunder-elemental attack.
These are secret characters. You'll find both of them hiding behind barrels within that resistance base of the desert town. Assassins are like Wizards but their abilities are somewhat limited. They're a good choice if you ever want to want a character who's a strong fighter and almost like a Wizard. But much like with Wizards, the abilities of the Assassins are weak. The only useful ability is the Chakra skill which heals all the characters who are standing nearby.
Burn - Fire damage
Blizzard - Water damage
Raiden - Thunder damage
Assassinate - Attempts to kill target
Trick - Attempts to put targets to sleep
Landmine - Earth damage
Chakra - Heals HP for targets
Unsheathe - Attempts to kill targets
Uni Ninjutsu - Neutral damage (Uni Uni/Black Dragon only)
Imitate - Neutral damage (Unknown Form/Behemoth only)