The beginning of the game when you're fighting against Shinra in Midgar. The shots in this collection are HD.
First Continent
The parts of the game that take place when you first enter the world map.

Cloud's Flashback
When Cloud attempts to tell you his past. He tells us about Nibelheim and Sephiroth.
50 shots

Introducing Midgar's sister city, Junon. This gallery includes the attempts to enter Junon and Rufus' sendoff ceremony.
46 shots
Second Continent
The parts of the game that take place when you venture across the second continent.

Chocobo Racing
The escape from Corel Prison, the exciting chocobo races, and the mystery of Gongaga Village.
44 shots

Cosmo Canyon
Introducing Red XIII's home, Cosmo Canyon. There we learn the secrets of the planet from Bugenhagen.
30 shots
Tiny Bronco
The parts of the game you reach by traveling via the Tiny Bronco.

The Keystone
The search for the Keystone! This gallery includes the second visit to the Gold Saucer and the Temple of the Ancients.
25 shots

Gaea's Cliff
The adventures through the frozen ice cap of the world. This gallery includes the exciting snowboard stage.
40 shots
The Highwind
The parts of the game you reach by traveling via the airship, The Highwind.

Invasion of Junon
Weapon invades Junon as Tifa and Barret struggle to escape. Afterwards, they obtain the Highwind.
52 shots

The Huge Materia
Collecting the Huge Materia in Corel, Fort Condor, Rocket Town, and the Underwater Mako Plant.
57 shots

Recovering Cloud
When Cloud is found and Tifa attempts to bring him back, both physically and mentally.
41 shots

Everyone confirming their decision to save the world. Then they enter the final dungeon.
48 shots