El is the main character you start out with in the game. He's the best at using weapons. He learns the most powerful attack spells. You decide whether you want him to focus more on physical strength or magic power. If you want the game to go by fast then have him focus on physical strength. If you want more of a challenge then have him focus on magic power. Btw, look at his sprite animation. I don't know about you, but to me it looks like he has spike arms! x_x  I drew a picture to emphasize this. Scary!! ><  
- Arce Sword
- Excalibur
- Force Sword
- HammaHammer
- Heat Sword
- Hecto Axe
- Iron Cutter
- Kill Whip
- KintalSword
- PhotonSword
- Scare Claw
- SpiritSword
- Tite Sword
- Arce Armor
- CopperArmor
- Force Mail
- Hecto Mail
- Ice Armor
- Iron Armor
- LeatherMail
- Nano Mail
- PhotonArmor
- Saint Armor
- Shock Armor
- Sky Armor
- Arce Shld
- Bull Shld
- Copper Shld
- Force Shld
- Hecto Shld
- Kintal Shld
- Iron Shld
- Photon Shld
- Saint Shld
- Wolf Shld
- Blaze 1
- Blaze 2
- Escape
- Flare 2
- Force
- Heal 2
- Impact 2
- Spark 2

  You first find Kishe very sick. Once you give him Medicine, he joins your party. He's the soso character of the game. He's soso at using weapons and soso with his magic. Kishe is the one that knows the awesome Combine spell that allows you to combine monsters. Every other spell he learns isn't too useful.  
- Alpha Sword
- Arce Sword
- Cross Sword
- DemonBuster
- Evil Buster
- Heat Sword
- Iron Cutter
- Kill Whip
- KintalSword
- Muramasa
- PhotonSword
- Scare Claw
- SpiritSword
- Tite Sword
- Wind Sword
- Alpha Mail
- Arce Armor
- CopperArmor
- Ice Armor
- Iron Armor
- LeatherMail
- Magus Armor
- Nano Mail
- PhotonArmor
- Saint Armor
- Shock Armor
- Sky Armor
- Arce Shld
- Bull Shld
- Copper Shld
- Kintal Shld
- Iron Shld
- Photon Shld
- Saint Shld
- Wolf Shld
- Combine
- Curse 1
- Heal All 2
- Holy 3
- Offense Up
- Recover All

  You rescue Uranus from the Zord monsters that abducted her. She joins you when you return to her hometown. She's fast but does poorly with weapons. She learns a lot of very useful healing magic. As you can see by looking at her lists below, she isn't capable of equipping that much. Her healing magic is the only thing that makes her useful. You will heavily rely on her "Heal All" and "Revive" spells.  
- Aaron Rod
- Damascus
- Diaster
- Moon Sword
- Omega Sword
- Spark Sword
- Tangaloia
- Aura Robe
- LeatherMail
- Magus Robe
- Omega Armor
- Rei Robe
- Robe
(can't equip)
- Cure Paralys
- Cure Poison
- Heal 3
- Heal All 2
- Heal All 3
- Impact 2
- Revive 1
- Revive 2