Farland Story 2 Translated by Eien Ni Hen Farland Story 2 is a strategy game which was released for the Super Famicom by Banpresto in 1995 but sadly never translated into English. I decided to translate the script to this game because 1) it's not nearly as complicated as an RPG 2) it's great practice and 3) it's a damn fun game. Please note that I only translated the script, that is, all the text in between battles and the character dialogue. Also note that I romanized the character names myself and they are not the official romanization (I don't even know if there is one ^_^). Anyway, I hope this translation will encourage people to play Farland Story 2, as well as help the people that are playing it but don't know what's going on. :) Format stuff "" - Narration () - Translator's note Also, when the text skips a line, this implies a change in scene, defeating a boss, etc. (Preface) Ark became king of Felsaria, and the world underwent massive changes during the twenty years which followed. Val, a small country on the outskirts of the continent of Ionia, conquered its neighboring countries one after another and proclaimed itself the Valdes Empire. Soon it became very powerful. And so, the Valdes Empire, which had ballooned in size, now sought world domination. Gibogera: Your Highness, we have destroyed the kingdom of Paracel. Now the mage kingdom is under our control. Nereid: Well done. But I can find nothing good about a tiny country that's caused me so much trouble. Can't you do anything right? Gibogera: Mwahahahaha. I did hear an interesting rumor in Paracel. Nereid: An interesting rumor? Then quit gloating and tell me about it! Gibogera: I can't say it out loud. Please listen closely. Nereid: Hmm...What?! The Kentoone Clan?! That girl? What about her? Can she perform the "Dance of Death"? Gibogera: That's right. Nereid: If this is true, then that girl is the greatest weapon in the empire. Go and make the world mine, Gibogera! Bring her to the palace at once! Gibogera: As you wish. Mwahahaha. "Riad, who had left the castle and gone to live in a town just outside its borders, was called to his father, Emperor Nereid's palace." Riad: Father, brother, why on earth have you summoned me? I'd already left the castle and you just called me back all of a sudden. Nereid: I wish you wouldn't be so stubborn. Well? How does it feel being covered in mud? Gotten sick of living as a hunter yet? Riad: No I have not. More importantly, I love the fact that I can do as I please. Taricalla: You're a fool. Gibogera: Now, now, Lord Taricalla. Today His Majesty is going to give an important speech. Well, Your Highness, show Riad... Nereid: Very well. Riad, you hate war, don't you? Riad: Why are you asking me such a thing? Mother died because of war! But it's not just that. I first fully realized the futility of war after leaving the castle. The forests had withered, the rivers had become polluted, and the hearts of the people had... Nereid: If this is the case, Riad, then I shall show you how I will use my power to rid this world of war. Riad: Really?! Nereid: Yes, really. Now, look, Riad! Riad: Serena! What the hell are you doing here?! Serena: Riad! Nereid: Hehe! It just so happens that your childhood friend Serena is our most powerful weapon! What an odd stroke of fate... Riad: And Serena has such power?! Gibogera: There's a clan in the kingdom of Paracel called the Kentoone that has strange powers. She's part of that clan. Mwahahaha. Riad: So how the hell does she fit into all this?! Nereid: Just calm down and listen...There's a dance that's been passed down generation after generation in the Kentoone Clan called the "Dance of Death." That's the power I'm referring to, Riad. When done correctly, this incredible dance can unleash enough energy to destroy a whole country. Riad: Destroy...a whole country? Serena: I don't know how to do such a dance! Nereid: Feigning ignorance will get you nowhere. Okay, Gibogera! Start preparing for the ceremony! Turn Serena into a puppet that faithfully obeys my orders! Serena: Please believe me, Riad! Riad: Serena... Serena: I only dance because I like it. Gibogera: Mwhahaha. The Emperor's wish is my command. Nereid: Do it! Serena: Nooo! Riad: Serena! I won't forgive you for this, Gibogera! Break Storm! Gibogera: Mwahahah. Didn't hurt! Riad: Dammit! Serena, run! Serena: O-okay! Nereid: That idiot...Follow them! Gibogera, you go, too! Capture Serena and bring her back alive! Gibogera: Alright. But what about Riad? Nereid: That fool has the gall to oppose me. You may kill him. Gibogera: Mwahaha. As you wish. Stage 1: Escape from the Empire Serena: Riad...If you bring be back to the castle now, I'm sure they'll forgive you! Riad: No way! My father is just using you to take over the world! Serena: Do I really...have that kind of power? Riad: Don't let it get to you, Serena. Besides, my father just gets these terrifying ideas... Serena: Like what? Riad: Even I don't really know, but father's not like he used to be. It's probably just my imagination, but... Serena: How scary... Riad: Urg! They've already come for us?! Serena, we'll talk later. Right now, just concentrate on running! Klaus: *Growl* I came to save my big brother! Serena: Eeek! A wolf! Riad: Wolf? It's alright, Serena. He's sort of a little brother to me! Klaus: *Growl* My name's Klaus! Originally, I lived in the palace as Prince Taricalla's pet, but big brother saved me and now I can run around all I want! Serena: I see... Klaus: I know you. You're Serena. You're big brother's girlfriend. Riad: You idiot! "Girlfriend" is too strong a word. Klaus: Whatever you say. Just please take me with you! You just left the castle without saying anything to me, big bro! I hate being left behind! Riad: No way, Klaus! Go back to the forest! Klaus: *Howl* But why? Riad: Because we're being hunted down. I disobeyed my father...the Emperor...If you come, you'll be put in danger. Klaus: But that's all the more reason for me to come with you! Riad: Even if I tell you no, you're still going to come, aren't you? Klaus: *Growl* You got it! Riad: Alright. But don't complain. Klaus: *Growl* I thought you'd say that, big bro! Riad: Okay, from here, let's head to the free harbor. The Imperial Army can't touch us there. We have to hurry and escape by ship! Stage 2: Sailing Away It's not as though everyone in the neutral port city was involved in the war. This was because they sent tons of foodstuffs and money they had gotten through trade to the Empire. Klaus: *Growl* So this is the neutral port...Amazing. Riad: Isn't it though? It's the biggest harbor on the continent of Ionia. It's also the only place that's not under the Empire's thumb. Laying waste to a prosperous port would put them at a disadvantage. We're going to get a ship here somehow. Serena: Where are we going to sail to? Riad: The kingdom of Felsaria. Serena: Felsaria? The country of King Ark, the legendary hero?! Riad: Uh, I'm going to try and explain everything that's happened to King Ark. Surely he'll take our side. Serena: Riad...doing all this for me... Riad: Serena... Klaus: *Howwl* Do whatever you want. Riad: *Ahem* Well, anyway, it seems there are lots of places to hide in Felsaria. Klaus: Whew! So that's that. Riad: First, we'll look for a ship. Valakana: I've been looking for you, Riad. Riad: V-valakana...You just showed up all of a sudden... Klaus: *Howl* Who's HE? Valakana: *Sigh* Don't worry. I'm an old friend of Riad's. I came to repay my debt to him. Riad: Debt? What are you talking about? Valakana: I've been thinking about your girlfriend a lot lately. Riad: W-who are you talking about? Valakana: Why are you getting so defensive? Look, I don't have time to play around. The Imperial Army is going to attack this port! Riad: That's absurd! The army can't enter a neutral port! Valakana: Those assholes would point a sword at God Himself to get ahold of you, not to mention the fact that they have no qualms about destroying regardless of the townspeople or their rules. ...It's okay, though. I'll come with you, Riad! Klaus: *Howl* Big bro! The Imperial Army's coming! Riad: Valakana! This doesn't involve you! Get outta here, fast! Valakana: I know I'll just be in the way, but please let me help. Klaus: There's no such thing as "in the way"! At this point, we need all the help we can get! *Growl* Valakana: It's just a figure of speech! Riad: But if the ship isn't prepared first.. Valakana: Heh, I prepared it awhile ago. Klaus: *Growl* That's our boat? Serena: It looks amazing! Riad: Stop admiring it and just get on! Those Empire goons are gonna catch us! Altaba: Are you guys Valakana's guests? Valakana: I guess I should introduce him. Riad, this is Altaba the sailor. Riad: My name's Riad. Um, Valakana, just why is he going to help us? Isn't he afraid of the Empire? Valakana: Altaba is from the country of Lodoss. Riad: Lodoss...A country that was attacked by the Empire. Altaba: That's right. I'm lookin' to give the Empire what for. I'm happy that my ship, the "Silent Moon," could be of use. Riad: Really? It's such a huge ship. Altaba: This ship uses magic, Mister. It'll go to Felsaria in a flash! Stage 3: Felsaria "Soon, land faded away and the voyage began. Miraculously, the sea remained calm. They were able to land at Felsaria and went ashore." Klaus: Whew! We've finally arrived! Riad: Come on now...Don't get carried away or you'll get seasick, Klaus! Altaba: I'm gonna hide the ship so the Imperial Army can't find it. Barnassus: Welcome to Felsaria, Lord Riad! Riad: Barnassus! Valakana: Who the hell are you?! Riad: He's a henchman of Gibogera who's poisoned my father with his craftiness... What are you doing here, you bastard?! Barnassus: Hehehe. I'm here to deliver a message from the Empire. It seems as though the Emperor is going to forgive you, Lord Riad. Please return to the Empire. Heheheh. Riad: Is this true?! Barnassus: There's just one condition. Please hand the girl Serena over to me without a fight. Hehehe. Riad: Absolutely not! Tell my father that you'll have to get through me first! Klaus: *Growl* Me, too! Altaba: Same here! Serena: Me, too! Barnassus: Hehehe...So the idiots are sticking together, are they? Lord Riad...No, Riad! From this day forward, you are no longer a prince! You're nothing but a traitor...No, even worse, you're criminal. Riad: What?! Barnassus: Hehehe. Playing dumb, eh?! King Ark knows that you attacked this village so you could take over Felsaria! Soldier: That's right. Riad, you and your party harmed innocent Felsarian villagers! Klaus: *Growl* But we just landed here a minute ago! Riad: Barnassus, you asshole! You came ahead of us and set it up so we'd look like evildoers! Barnassus: Heheh...I don't know what you're talking about. Heheheh. Bah, you meddlesome rogues! Go on, kick their asses, Kai! Kai: Leave it to me! Barnassus: Just make sure that Serena is taken alive. Heheheh. Kai: Right. Prepare to die, evildoers! Riad: Urgh...What a pain in the ass. Well, bring it on! After I've defeated you, I'll slowly convince you that we're not the bad guys. Kai: Not bad. You've got a lot of skill for an evildoer! Riad: Look, we just arrived on this continent! We couldn't have attacked that village! Barnassus: What are you gonna do, Kai? Hurry up and kill them! Kai: He doesn't really seem like a wicked Necromancer. Serena: Exactly! Riad's not that kind of person! Klaus: That's right! *Howl* He hates to study, so he can't use magic! Riad: H--hey, Klaus! Kai: Well, what shall we do, Lord Barnassus? I alone cannot decide their fate, so should we try to get them an audience with King Ark and let him assess the situation? Barnassus: You're in quite a bind, Kai. If you don't listen and do as I say...then maybe you're a traitor, too... In which case you'd be an enemy of the Empire! Kai: What?! Barnassus: Heheheh...DIE! DIE! At this rate, I'll kill you all! Get 'em, you guys! And now, I shall take my leave. Kai: Lord Riad! I don't know what happened, but I shall try not to doubt your story. Riad: Thank you. Riad: Thank you for understanding my situation, Mr.Kai. Kai: No, no. Please forgive me for what I have done. Riad: Don't worry about it. We probably would've done the same thing if we were in your position. But anyway, could you please introduce me to King Ark? Kai: Alright. I don't expect special treatment from you. You don't have to call me "Mr.Kai" or anything. Riad: That's fine. Okay, let's go, Kai. Kai: It's this way. Please follow me. Riad: Altaba! Klaus! Valakana! Serena! Come on, we're going to Felsaria Castle! Klaus: *Growl* Serena: Huh? What's wrong with Altaba? He doesn't look so good... Altaba: *Sob*...Oh, the pain. Valakana: D-don't hug me! Altaba: But I'm a man of the sea...So I get very lonely when I'm separated from her. Valakana: But why the hell do you have to hug me?! Altaba: When I'm lonely, I need a strong person to comfort me. P-L-E-A-S-E! Valakana: I feel cold all of a sudden... Riad: That's enough, you two! Get the lead out! Valakana: H-hey, wait! Stage 4: Docaty Kai: Alright, this road leads straight to the castle. Altaba: Lord Riad...I want to return to the sea. Riad: No way! Come on, let's go! Altaba: *Sob* That's cold, Lord Riad! Riad: Stop crying! Klaus: How sad...*Woof* Valakana: Hey, did you hear that just now...? Riad: Anyway, let's get going! Valakana: Riad, did you hear that...? Altaba: Aah...I miss the sea... Riad: You just keep going on and on about the sea. It's really starting to piss me off! Kai: Both of you calm down... Valakana: Listen to what I'm saying, you guys! Riad: What is it, Valakana? Valakana: I heard a woman scream. Klaus: What? *Woof* Valakana: Yeah, it's coming from over here! Riad: What cowards! That girl's all alone...and they ganged up on her! Kai: Eria? Is that you, Eria? Eria: Kai! Save me!! Kai: Hang on, Eria! But Eria, where is Docaty at a time like this? Eria: Well...I was summoned here, and... Riad: Docaty? Eria: He's my father. I was abandoned in the forest as a baby, and he raised me. Kai: Docaty has looked after Eria ever since she was a child. Since he found her, he's come to love her so much that she's the apple of his eye. It's so sweet... Riad: Just leave it to us. Barnassus: It's them, Docaty! Here they come! Docaty: I-it's you, Kai! Did you really betray Felsaria?! And have you become friends with these evildoers?! Kai: No, Docaty! Barnassus is just trying to trick you! Barnassus: See, see! He's already started doing it! This villain is trying to pull the wool over your eyes! He's giving me a headache. Why don't you do away with him? Docaty: But fighting a friend isn't exactly pleasant...Don't expect any mercy, Kai! Kai: Oh for Heaven's sake...Everything is black or white with you. Valkana: Isn't that a case of the pot calling the kettle black...? Eria: Papa! These people rescued me! I was almost kidnapped and taken away by the Empire! Docaty: Huh? Is she an impostor or something? Is my daughter really defending rogues like you?! Riad: It's hopeless...He's far too stubborn! Klaus: *Howl* All we can do is try and get him to see what's going on! Barnassus: Goodbye...Heheheh. Riad: Barnassus! Docaty: Urgh...What happened? Am...am I done for? I've been defeated... Eria: Father...You still don't understand? Docaty: Is that you...Eria? Is it really you? Kai: It was the Empire's trickery that made you think that way. I, too, was dangerously close to believing their lies. Klaus: They had you hook, line, and sinker. *Woof* Riad: You can say that again. Serena: Riad, I don't think I can help him. Riad: Can't you perform your special spirit dance? Serena: With pleasure! Watch, Docaty... Docaty: Hmm? H-hey...the pain's going away. Klaus: *Growl* How do ya feel, ya stubborn old coot? Docaty: How strange...You didn't use magic, yet I feel so relaxed. Kai: So do you still think we're rogues? Docaty: Hmm...Should I...try to believe your story? Riad: We want King Ark's help. Docaty: Follow me!! Klaus: *HOOWL* That dude Barnassus ran away! Riad: What a coward.